Bajo y Alto

“Het album is een weerslag van de gulzige veelzijdigheid, die het trio typeert. Uit de vele improvisaties blijkt een avontuurlijke geest.” (The album is a reflection of the greedy versatility that characterizes the trio. The many improvisations reveal an adventurous spirit.) — Christel Meijer,

“Een gelaagd, persoonlijke album, waar het avontuur vanaf spat.  […] als het schetsboek van een kunstenaar: scheppend, puur en onbevangen. Schroom niet en luister naar dit delicate egodocument van drie levenslustige muzikanten.” (A layered, personal album that radiates adventure. […] like an artist’s sketchbook: creative, pure and uninhibited. Don’t hesitate and listen to this delicate ego document of three spirited musicians.) — Roland Huguenin,

In April 2023, earswideopen lost one leg of the tripod. Felix Hildenbrand – melodic bass player, loyal friend, warm-hearted human being – is no more.

To commemorate and celebrate his life and music, Achim and Jurriaan decided to release a new album. A set of previously unheard improvisations and songs – a free impro with trumpet hero Eric Vloeimans, a gentle waltz take on the 80s hit Brothers in Arms, some electronic mayhem, a blues and whatnot. They added one new track, recorded in the summer of 2023: a tribute to Felix, of course, with singer Maria Markesini. She sings Felix’s favourite song (Alfonsina y el Mar) and a lullabye for his daughter (Naima).

This album, under the title ‘Bajo y alto’, was released on all major streaming services on September 1, 2023. Physical cd’s (with liner notes and everything you wanted to know about the songs) are also available (€10 + shipping), please send an email to the address on our Contact page.